Cause Coupon Membership

Double Your Dollars With Access to Over 500,000 Coupons at Your Fingertips!

Always have the most extensive collection of high-value 2-for-1 and 50% off coupons on dining, attractions, activities, golf, shopping, services, travel, and more!

Our family does not eat out a lot but when we have to… I pull up my handy-dandy Cause Coupon app. Absolutely love it.”


Stretch Your Dollar with Cause Coupons

In a world where inflation continues to rise, it's more important than ever to make the most of your hard-earned money. Cause Coupons empower you to stretch your dollar by offering incredible deals like buy one, get one free and 50% off on a wide range of products and services. With Cause Coupons, you'll not only increase your buying power but also support local businesses and nonprofits in your community. Start saving and making a difference today!



Local Merchants

Serving Cities in U.S. & Canada

Win-Win-Win: Save, Support, and Strengthen

Join our cause coupon program to save money while supporting local businesses and strengthining nonprofits in your community.


By offering discounts and incentives, businesses can drive foot traffic and boost their customer base. Furthermore, participation in the Cause Coupon Program allows businesses to demonstrate their commitment to the local community, showcasing that they value more than just profits. This socially responsible approach helps businesses build a positive reputation and establish strong relationships with their community."

Community Impact

With every Cause Coupon purchase, you'll be contributing to the invaluable work of local nonprofits and community-based organizations that rely on your support to continue making a positive impact. By supporting these organizations, you'll play a vital role in improving the lives of those in need and fostering a stronger community.

By joining the Cause Coupon Program, you'll enjoy significant savings on a wide range of products and services, stretching your budget further while indulging in the things you love. Additionally, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that your purchases are making a tangible difference in your community, supporting both businesses and nonprofits.

Smart Shopping
an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

I'm a decades long customer of this program since it was sold in paper books as fundraisers for schools. Now the Digital App is easy to use and works great!”

I love that I can use the Cause Coupon app when I travel. I not only save money locally but on vacation too.

gray computer monitor

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